Toukiden Kiwami Ppsspp카테고리 없음 2020. 10. 24. 01:54
Oct 11, 2018 PPSSPP HD Textures moding for Toukiden Kiwami english patch v.2. AceSsasin, Jan 19, 2019, in forum: PSP - Hacking & Homebrew. Replies: 13 Views: 7,632. Ipo Oct 14, 2019. Toukiden 2 English patch problem. Jul 24, 2015 G Toukiden Kiwami v1.06/1.07 C0 60 fps L 0xE02B0000 0x101448FC L 0x201448FC 0x00000000 L 0x20004000 0x3C043F80 L 0x203778D8 0x3C043F80. (+anti-ppsspp-freeze cheat, +disable cheat for all asm cheats) C0 Ultimate available without weapon guage L.
Cheat Toukiden Kiwami PPSSPP adalah game dengan genre action, Role Playing Game (RPG) yang dikembangkan oleh Omega Force dan diterbitkan oleh Koei Tecmo. Game ini pertama kali dirilis pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2014 di Jepang untuk pengguna PS Vita dan PSP kemudian disusul ditahun berikutnya untuk pengguna Playstation 4 dan juga PC pada Steam.
Toukiden Kiwami Gameplay
Game Toukiden: Kiwami menghadirkan jumlah musuh dua kali lipat dari seri Toukiden: The Age of Demons, dua karakter baru, cerita yang lebih panjang dan peralatan atau senjata yang baru.
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Password Game Toukiden Kiwami PPSSPP
Di game Toukiden: Kiwami, kamu akan pergi meninggalkan desa untuk membasmi para iblis dengan menggunakan berbagai senjata. Terdapat sembilan jenis senjata di game ini, tiga di antaranya adalah senjata baru yang tidak ada di The Age of Demons.
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Setiap senjata memiliki gaya pertarungan yang jauh berbeda, misalnya pisau akan membuat seranganmu fokus pada serangan cepat dan combo di udara, sementara gada memiliki serangan yang lambat namun dapat menghancurkan pertahanan musuh dengan mudah.
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_C1 Code Cheat Always Aktif ( harus selalu diaktifkan )
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_L 0xE0020225 0x0000A0E6
_L 0x20009F0C 0x0E2007FF
_L 0x20001FFC 0xA20001EACheat Code Unlimited Money
_C1 Infinite Money
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_L 0x20003134 0x088D0000
_L 0x20003138 0x8C87002C
_L 0x2000313C 0x34060000
_L 0x20003140 0x00000008
_L 0x20003144 0x00E03823
_L 0x20003148 0xFFFFFFFFCheat Code Unlimited HP & Stamina
_C1 Infinity HP
_L 0x20003000 0x0880E000
_L 0x20003004 0x08815000
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_L 0x2000300C 0x00408825
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_L 0x2000302C 0x4600A306
_L 0x20003030 0x00000018
_L 0x20003034 0x00000000
_L 0x20003038 0xFFFFFFFFCheat Code Unlimited Skill & Tanpa Harus Menunggu Skill Digunakan
_C1 All Skill Not Waiting
_L 0x20003060 0x08AE4000
_L 0x20003064 0x08AF0000
_L 0x20003068 0x00062603
_L 0x2000306C 0x34060004
_L 0x20003070 0x0000001C
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_C1 Infinity All Skill
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_L 0x20003044 0x08AF0000
_L 0x20003048 0x02403025
_L 0x2000304C 0x82040423
_L 0x20003050 0x00000008
_L 0x20003054 0x00802021
_L 0x20003058 0xFFFFFFFFCheat Code Master Smith & Weapon
_C1 Master Smith
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_L 0x20003234 0x08995000
_L 0x20003238 0x3C1408BC
_L 0x2000323C 0x28840002
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_L 0x2000324C 0x1400003E
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_L 0x20003254 0x54000002
_L 0x20003258 0xFFFFFFFF
_C1 Unlocked Item Waipon
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_L 0x20003178 0x02912021
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_L 0x20003188 0x000000E4
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_L 0x20003190 0xFFFFFFFF
_C1 No Weapon Gauge
_L 0x200031A0 0x08AC5000
_L 0x200031A4 0x08AD5000
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_L 0x200031AC 0x460D603C
_L 0x200031B0 0x0000000C
_L 0x200031B4 0x54000008
_L 0x200031B8 0xFFFFFFFFCheat Unlock All Member & Attack 8x
_C1 All Members
_L 0x20003150 0x08975000
_L 0x20003154 0x08985000
_L 0x20003158 0xAE000A24
_L 0x2000315C 0x34130000
_L 0x20003160 0x00000018
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_L 0x20003168 0xFFFFFFFF
_C1 Attack Multyplate
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_L 0x200030E4 0x08820000
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_L 0x20001024 0xA48501FECheat Unlimited Exorcism Skill
_C1 Exorcism Quick
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_C1 Unlimited Exorcism [Key=L]
_L 0x200032A0 0x08AF8000
_L 0x200032A4 0x08B02000
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_L 0x200010B0 0x10000001Cheat BONUS
_C1 Reward 8x
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_L 0x200033D4 0x088F5000
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_L 0x20001158 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000115C 0x02C02025
_L 0xD0000000 0x10000200
_L 0x20001150 0x10000001Untuk Menggunakan Cheatnya bisa baca : Cara Memasukkan Cheat di Emulator PPSSPP
GAME INFORMATION Game Name: Toukiden Kiwami (English Patched) Original Title: 討鬼伝 極 Region: Japan Console: PlayStation Portable Game Release: 2014-08-28 Genre: Action RPG Publisher: Koei Tecmo Games Languages: English Patched Image Format: ISO Game ID: ULJM-06376 Downloads: 59,876 Users Score: Rating: / 5. Votes:
No votes so far
Toukiden Kiwami (English Patched) (討鬼伝 極) is a Action RPG video game published by Koei Tecmo Games released on August 28, 2014 for the PlayStation Portable.
(FROM Credit and Read Me.txt)
Almost everything has been translated, except for section of the story, there’s still a lot of problems i couldn’t solve yet. Most of the small text left, I think, it’s unnecessary and it does not really affect the game-play. In the future, if I have more time, I will continue to update it. ^^Also, lots of text has been translated using the PSvita version as reference.
This patch is completely different with the patch made by BanhMi it doesn’t have its bugs.
- I don’t know. Translator says 96% but a user told me it’s about 20%. User probably is right!
- Download [PPSSPP] HD textures v3.1.7z (links below).
- Extract it to the “PSP” folder of PPSSPP.
- Open PPSSPP, Click Tools > Developer tools > Enable ‘replace textures’
- Run ISO.
- Done, and have fun!! ^^
- The Game uses DLC v1.6 custom by me (included in HD textures v3.1.7z) don’t try other DLCs, because they may will not work and may break your Save Game.
- This Patch don’t support Save Game from DLC v1.7
- Texture only support with PPSSPP ver 1.3 or higher.
- Great Admiral: HoaiTrung97 (From VietNam)
Translator, Hack, Edit… and everything ~Nya~ - Captain: Saramagrean (From Thailand)
For DLC, CWcheat, Support Cutscene. - Captain: Ace_Ssasin (From Indonesia)
Design Logo and Support Texture. - General: HaselLoyance (From Canada)
For Test and Upload version PSP Real.
General Backup of Team.
Toukiden Kiwami Psp Download
Toukiden Kiwami Review
Koei Wikia, JP Toukiden wiki, Gamefaqs, NeoGAF (For Mitama list), Rickzism1289 (For Weapon Tree), kats13 and alaisiagae (For Game Guide), Jam Rules-sensei (For ASM code)… and the endless effort of HoaiTrung97.PS: Wish everyone will have a relax time when playing this patch, and hope everyone will continue to support me in other Projects. And Happy New Year soon everyone!!! ^^ 29/12/2018 – 10:44 AM
Patch Source: http://hoaitrung97.blogspot.com/
Toukiden Kiwami (English Patched) PSP ISO Download:
Toukiden Kiwami Ppsspp Settings
Filename Filesize 1.13 GB 1.17 GB 68.49 MB